Surveillance-card stopped working

Not sure what changed but I now have
“Custom element doesn’t exist: surveillance-card.”

It was installed with HACS and I am currently on version 0.16.1
It has been running fine until I noticed it yesterday.
I updated to HA 0.101.1 this morning to see if that would help and it did not

I have uninstalled and reinstalled with HACS and still the same issue. Restarted HA in between and cleared cache.

Anyone with any ideas?

Any errors in the system logs? What is the current state of the camera?

Thanks for the reply,

Only thing in the system log is:

19-11-01 13:55:26 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
19-11-01 13:55:26 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_nodered
19-11-01 13:55:26 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

Which I m pretty sure is unrelated.

in the Eventlog the only thing that might be related is

## Log Details (ERROR)
mb_type 4278 in P slice too large at 12 88
## Log Details (ERROR)
error while decoding MB 12 88

The camera’s are fine as I show them on two other views in different ways.

I assume from what you wrote that the surveillance-card is not showing up in the Developer Tools states tab. The plug-in code is showing up in the www/community directory as well as the resources: section for the ui right?

I didn’t do anything and now it is working again…
Thanks for yelping.

Reminds me of a wireless wall switch I have that is at the edge of the wireless signal area. Mostly I just get “can’t communicate” warnings in the log but on rare occasions the system will say the switch doesn’t exist. Then I need to use the native app for the switch to reset things. I think the switch goes into a captive portal mode and HA can no longer see it through the router. Typically requires multiple reboots of HA. Anyway glad you got it working! :grinning:

Thanks for the help