I’ve installed Home Assistant OS on my Raspberry Pi 3b+ 1G and I’ve a problem with memory usage for RAM more than 80 % and Swap at 100%. I’ve read other topics with similiar problem on this forum, I trying with add “init_command” in Terminall & SSH addons configuration but without success.
This is my init_command configuration :
- >-
if [ ! -f /backup/_swap.swap ]; then fallocate -l 2G /backup/_swap.swap &&
mkswap /backup/_swap.swap && chmod 0600 /backup/_swap.swap && swapon
/backup/_swap.swap ; elif [[ ! $(dmesg|grep _swap.swap) = *swap\ on* ]] ;
then swapon /backup/_swap.swap ; else swapon /backup/_swap.swap ; fi
I don’t understand why the memory saturate it.