SwapOn - Increase

Hi there

Im running HA on RPI3b+ with just 10 automations… and no idea for big projects…

My Glances instance says I dont have enough MEM as picture shows

Ive created a Swap File using chatgpt help, but when I restart system the swap file won’t “start” I try create a batch to turn on the swap by chatgpt suggestion. But no succeed. (no such files) or some other errors

Any way to increase Swap? And working
By the way I know the SD card im using can fail…

Note: I also think on dessolderig the memory chip from RPI and put 2 or 4GB but I can’t found compatible memory on aliexpress to play around

Search the forum. There are a number of threads about increasing the swap size on RPI3B+.

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Ok I will

When I creat the post the system won’t “recognize” any post

That’s not all you’re running though. Your screenshot shows 4 addons, each of which will consume some RAM.

Basically, you’ll be better off migrating to better hardware.

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well reading some posts…
I found this… that may help users with less experience

One thing you want to keep in mind is that the Glances Add-On itself can be a CPU and memory hog.
I’ve come to not start it automatically and only turn it on when I really need it.

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yes thanks … I have just the essential to run HA… im aware of that

the only add-on running is the google backup and zigbee2mqtt

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RPi3B is 32bit.
It can not address 4Gb.
It should handle around 3.2Gb, but that is raw memory. How much is taken to shadow code is hard to say, but there will be some.

Also remember that a swapfile is not always enough.
A swapfile is a place to store stuff, when it is not being worked on in the CPU.
You still need the space in RAM when the CPU needs to work on it and just because you can free up ½Gb, then it might not be good enough for the CPU to use it, because some allocations for data require consequential addresses, which might not be available in a fragmented ram space, due to high swapfile usage.

RPI3b+ I think is 64bit

I have HA 64bit version

You are correct. :slight_smile:

Then it can handle more addresses, but I wonder if it is worth it.

I have some soldering skills and some equipment

Also have a good electronic teacher to help

16% swap used?

Adding swap will only make your problems worse.

If you are swapping on something this slow, you are going to have a bad time.

It is probably hot air soldering you need, but first you need to find a compatible chip.

Careful the picture shows swap already with 2Gb

And yes I totally understand your concern

Yes and I’m having problems finding

I can’t help you there.
I would just by a bigger RPi, but for HA I went to a NUC instead, since RPis just makes it too much of a hassle with power supply, case, cooling, SSD, powered USB hubs, RTC and so on.

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