Swedish calendar

Good news! I have implemented a solution for special theme days now, like Kanelbullens dag (and many, many more). The repo is updated with the code and the documeattion, and it is verified to work on my machine™ :stuck_out_tongue: . All files are available through custom_updater as well :slight_smile:

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If someone gets problem after update to 0.0.2. I had to add
special_themes_dir: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/swedish_calendar

to the sensor config.

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Yep, it does not seam to be an option. All my sensors are gone :blush:

Oh no, ill look into it. Might have copy/pasted required instead of optional parameter :slight_smile:

It should be fixed now, bump to 0.0.4 to make it truly optional :slight_smile:


Are there any plans to support HACS? I would love to be able to install/update this custom component with HACS sense i have moved away from Custom updater.

After updating to HA version 0.96.0 Swedish calender does not work anymore.

@Miicroo any thoughts on HACS? as custom updater is dead.

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works fine on mine. i run 0.96.3

It has suddenly started working here again.

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Sounds super! Will look into it soon :slight_smile:

Shall try this one. What would be cool is if you could add your own “holiday” as well. For example vacation. You could have two input numbers where you can add between which dates you have vacation.

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I have started migrating to HACS now as well, it really is way easier to use than the old customer_updater ways :smiley: I used to have all my custom homeassistant things in one repo, but now I had to split it or HACS won’t work. The new location for swedish_calendar is https://github.com/Miicroo/ha-swedish_calendar (code is the same as before though). I have successfully installed it using HACS (Go to HACS, then Settings, then add the url to the repo with type Integration, then save).

If you try it and run into any trouble please let me know.

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I had this component installd the old way and it worked.

After installing using HACS i get the following error.

 Failed config
   General Errors: 
     - Component not found: swedish_calendar`

Will do se testing and see if I can get the same result. Do the files inside custom_components/swedish_calendar have a recent date (like when you installed through HACS)?

It suddenly works. I did not do anything.

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Nice! :slight_smile:

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I cant for the love of god get the special day component to work. in configarution.yaml i got:

- platform: swedish_calendar
  special_themes_dir: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/swedish_calendar

The local directory is /config/custom_components/swedish_calendar and the specialThemes.json is indeed in the directory.

Running hass.io 0.97 on a raspberry pi 3 and. hasnt worked on any build before it either.

What the heck am i doing wrong?

Are you getting any errors in the log or is it the sensors that wont show up? :slight_smile:

Just the sensor wont show up.