Swidget - Outlet Replacement with Modular Capabilites

I thought the community here would be interested in the Swidget platform: http://swidget.com/. It’s a standard (US/CA) outlet, with a standardized slot that can accommodate different modules depending on the need. For example, you could turn an outlet into a nightlight, camera, CO sensor, Alexa repeater…the possibilities are endless.

They’re currently in pre-production, and I’ve got two outlets headed my way from the first production run, hopefully later this year. I’m interested in a temperature / humidity module, and maybe a couple other things I haven’t thought of yet.

What kind of modules would you like to see?

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I also have two of these coming eventually. I honestly forgot about this since I backed the kickstarter so long ago.

Well mine just showed up. Anyone else got anything going on this? I have a wifi module, waiting for a wifi/temp/humid

Same here. I’ve got two wifi inserts, and I’m waiting on the temperature one to come out.

I’m having trouble getting mine to “register” in the app though. I’ve got one installed, and it’s on the network (I can ping it), but the registration fails every time in the iOS app. Did you run into that?

I am behind. Maybe tonight I can get some time to put one in.

I got mine working, it turned out to be a problem in their backend wherein it couldn’t handle an apostrophe character in the name. Apparently they fixed it, but I just dropped the apostrophe and I’m up and running.

I tried to intercept the traffic with Burp Suite on my Mac, but I didn’t see any. I suspect that the app might try to communicate directly to the device first, and since everything was on the same LAN it didn’t go through my proxy. It also works remotely though, so I’ll have to try that too when I get a chance.

As much as I’d like to support fellow Canucks, what’s the incentive to buy thi$ thing compared to two Wi-Fi outlets for CDN$30 at Costco?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a slick device but the ability to change protocols by swapping a module doesn’t seem like a real-world need . As for the claims about being ‘future-proof’, that’s closely tied to Swidget’s future since the modules are only available from them.

To be honest, I mostly got on board because they were Canadian and it seemed like a really cool idea. I could also see how it would solve a problem I have (getting temperature data from my outlying rooms) and look good doing it. I think the form factor is what sold me, and the overall cleverness.

Unless you live in a late-model home, temperature sensors mounted in outlets will reveal just how drafty your house is in winter.

Before the 80’s, building codes didn’t requires 6" exterior walls insulated to R-20 with vapor-barriers, including vapor-barriers surrounding the outlet, and the whole building wrapped in a Tyvek wind-barrier.

Instead, it’s a 4" exterior wall with less than R-12 (or none) and no barrier of any kind. The back of the outlet is about a half-inch from the exterior cladding. So outlets become “air-holes” for cold air to circulate through. Not a particularly good spot for an interior temperature sensor.

That’s a good point. Fortunately, my use case is centred around the summer, as I have a certain room that gets particularly hot. But I’ll keep your point about exterior walls in mind.

Anyone get this working with home assistant?

I dont see an api or and rest component for it.

I see it has IFTTT support so maybe you can make something work with the maker channel.

Don’t they have z-wave and zigbee modules too?

Does anyone have Swidget zwave inserts working? I have several and would love to figure out how I can make them work without a hubitat or SmartThings integration.

Did you succeed with swidget zwave in home assistant?
I have a bunch of zwave devices already and planing to go for this one (essentially to monitor power in order to know the end of cycle from my washing machine) but would like to know if can be integrated or not.

I got a few swidget zwave insert , I can’t suggest them
ou the 6 I received :
2 working “fine” just on/off the Watt metering doesn’t work
1 work when it feal like it …
1 is dead , never works
none works as a router (shows a slave)
2 more to try but they are so bad experience that it will be just in case.
The best advice is to stay away fro swidget, it’s just garbage

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