Swimming Pool Chemical Dispenser

Raspipool has a cool setup.

But I can’t figure out why it is necessary to build a bypass around the pump? Wouldn’t that reduce the efficiency of the pump? Why not just install the probes on the pipe going to the pump? Just to keep the probes wet?

I have been wondering that too.

I installed my probes after the pump (and after the filter). No problems at all. The probes don’t need to stay “wet” in the sense of submerged in water. They just need to not dry out. In a closed pipe with water at both ends the probes will never dry out enough to cause problems.

The only concern I would have about putting your probes in the intake before the pump is in the event that you had some debris get into the intake, you could possibly damage the probes, but I think this is probably a small chance.

For me, the location of the probes had a lot to do with where I could physically install them given the space constraints and existing piping (I didn’t want to have to redo a big part of the PVC).

Atlas have a guide on installing sensors in a pipe https://www.atlas-scientific.com/files/connecting-probes-into-a-pipe.pdf

@segalion explains here https://github.com/segalion/raspipool/issues/19 but I think it somewhat disagrees with Atlas. (Atlas says that water speed doesn’t matter unless it is enough to break your finger). His maintenance point is valid though.

Thanks for pointing out @segalion response. I see his point about keeping the sensor wet all the time.

Also wouldn’t creating a bypass in front and after the pump create a ‘water loop’? reducing how much water gets circulated into the pool, wasting electricity. Or am I overthinking this?

Atlas has a kit board with all the probes. $280.99 for ‘consumer’ probes or 570.98 with their cool All-in-one PH/Orp/Temp ‘Industrial’ probe. Sadly no version with the ‘lab’ grade probes.

$570.98 is a bit crazy, I am price sensitive, but:
-Precision is of industrial probes is much better. But is that needed?
-Atlas claims the Industrial probes are much more durable and don’t need to calibrated as often.
-Easy setup, only 1 probe with 3/4 thread.
-I think I read somewhere the probes should not be too close to each other for accuracy. Should we trust Atlas’ ability to make an all in one probe with the same accuracy? Considering:
-$570.98 for kit with All In One, or $624.94 buying items separately but with two separate Industrial probes Orp and PH(w/temp).

Any thoughts on splurging for the expensive kit? I have never seen the normal probes in person, but they do look much more fragile than the industrial probes.

Yes $500 US turns into $1000 NZ so it is an expense I am not going to incur. I agree that the one sensor would be easier to place in a tight spot (I am only working inside a spa, it is quite tight).

Did you end up buying one of the kits from Atlas? I’m about to move into a house with a pool and am interested in getting a ready built solution for pool maintenance.

Not yet, I’m moving into a new house probably within 3 months. But I also have a couple other big projects/expenses that will be prioritized over this.

Seems like our timing is good with this new kit from Atlas, and ESPHome and Tasmota now supporting Atlas Ezo sensors.

@smurry Thanks for posting this. I am not very good with python and I am having an issue (I believe) with python importing the conf.txt. I have followed your instructions but was not able to connect to wifi. If I putty in and manually configure the wifi it works.

Can you share the yaml for the probe calibration?

I found the issue. It was the code for the scale that needed to be commented out. lines 50 and 51 in the config.py

Hi guys,

thanks for a valuable discussion. I am planning to move my Atlas pH and ORP sensors from Rpi to ESP32 with ESPHome and would also like to add Peristaltic pumps for dosing chemicals into the pool.

Purchased a Kamoer peristaltic pump, which seems to be reliable enough including lab grade hose with 1000h lifetime for $60 and would like to use it for this project.

The pump has a stepper motor, which I am able to control with ESPHome, but right know the last piece is to configure HA part and create an entity which will simply trigger the motor move for a number of steps forward from its last position. There are some similar projects but all using different approach, but I’d like to use ESPHome and hook sensors and pumps to a single ESP32.

Still need to go through the ESPHome stepper component docs, Lambda is probably the right way to do this, but its gonna be my first so just wondering if anyone else have done this.

Did anyone take the plunge on the Atlas Scientific kit?

The poster above you.

Look at

And then integrate into HA.

I’m glad I found this thread :slight_smile:

I bought the Atlas Scientific pool kit, and I was able to make it run with ESPHome :slight_smile:

But I have’t figure out how to calculate the FC

Hi @DrJeff. I’ve just followed your conversation with @smurry and it looks like you dif what I was looking for :wink: Especially, I would like to use ESPHome to manage EZO sensors and a peristaltic pump. I know that now it should be quite straightforward to integrate the EZO sensors as now they’ve been nativly supported by esphome. But it’s a bit less clear about the pump integration, from where the pump gets the commands and how (logic + code) it’s calculated from the sensor readings in ESPHome.
From what I read, you used somehow the work from smurry and you succeed to adapt it to ESPHome.
Would you mind to share your approach (setup + some code) ?

Thank you.

2 questions:

  1. How do you handle the callibration of the sensors?
  2. Would you be able to post up your configuration for the rest of us who are looking at this kit?

Sorry I changed it all again! I moved all pool management over to nodeJS-poolcontroller

They also run a tandem project that is controlling the pH and ORP via a pi and it handles all the pumps and also my main pool pumps. The other piece of the puzzle is called REM with this I can not only run the sensors but manage the water balance as if you had true equipment for this.

The controller is handling solar, separate spa, and everything else. And all this is feed into HA via MQTT so I love it! Calibration of the sensors is all internal to this also just works good, Chemical tanks can be monitored based on what the pump is using! just awesome!!

I calibrated the sensors using an Arduino UNO, using the Atlas Scientific sample code.

But here is my ESPHome code. We also need to call C code to unable the sensors:

ESPHome code:

  name: pool_management
  platform: ESP8266
  board: huzzah
    - my_custom_component.h

  ssid: "XXXXXXX"
  password: "XXXXXXXX"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Pool Management Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "XXXXXXXX"



  password: "XXXXXXXX"

  password: "XXXXXXXX"
  - platform: ezo
    id: orp_ezo
    name: "orp"
    address: 0x62
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    unit_of_measurement: "mV"
    update_interval: 15s
  - platform: ezo
    id: ph_ezo
    name: "pH"
    address: 0x63
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    unit_of_measurement: "pH"
    update_interval: 15s

    sda: D4
    scl: D5
    scan: True

- lambda: |-
    auto my_custom = new MyCustomComponent();
    return {my_custom};

And create a file called my_custom_component.h in the root of your ESPHome folder

#include "esphome.h"

class MyCustomComponent : public Component {
  void setup() override {
    // This will be called once to set up the component
    // think of it as the setup() call in Arduino
  pinMode(14, OUTPUT);                                                         //set enable pins as outputs
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(15, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  void loop() override {
    // This will be called very often after setup time.
    // think of it as the loop() call in Arduino
                digitalWrite(14, LOW);                                                       //set enable pins to enable the circuits
                digitalWrite(12, LOW);
                digitalWrite(15, HIGH);
                digitalWrite(13, LOW);


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How did you get it all work? I’m most interested, for now, in using the probes for monitoring. Maybe someday down the road I’ll add the pumps, but for now I just want to get the readings into HA.

Thanks for any insights!