↔️ Swipe Navigation

Well, this is embarrassing…made a rookie mistake…

Wanted to try the custom swipe card so “swipe” was top of mind… Ended up downloading “swipe navigation” by mistake and was lost when I couldn’t find the card…

The moment I read both replies (Zanna_37 & Nick4), I realized my mistake… and now I do like swipe navigation AND have downloaded the swipe card as well…

So all is good (for) now…!

Thank you both for the quick response… much appreciated


Just installed this, and while it works fine in chrome on windows, I just can’t get it to work on a Samsung galaxy tab A8, neither in the app nor Chrome. It works fine on iphone however. Any ideas…? Just nothing happens

I am fairly new to Home Assistant but well on my way to creating multiple dashboards.
I came across this topic with the addon to swipe between all dashboards. That’s something I missed with my Homey app.
I installed the addon as explained in the video and added the code to all my dashboards as explained.

Unfortunately, I am unable to swipe on my Samsung S23 Android phone.
I have rewatched the video several times to see if I had missed something or did something wrong, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I did manage to get the swipe card working, which is also explained in this video.

Can anyone tell me why it’s not working?

I used this code:
"title: Thuis
enable: true
wrap: true
animate: null
prevent_default: false
swipe_amount: 30

  • path: default_view

Home Assistant version

  • Core 2024.5.3
  • Frontend 20240501.1

Running on Synology NAS Docker.


Hi, as you can see from the ’ How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question topic there is a section on how to format your code properly.

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I have got it working already. I needed to create multiple views in my dashboard instead of having multiple dashboards.


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It’s strange, in my laptop i can swipe using my mouse just fine, but on my raspi official touchscreen and my phone both don’t work. I have the latest off all the software. Also have the Chromium back/forth history turned off. Downloaded 1.13.3 today.

Funny enough, I tried it this morning and now it works! Only thing is that my card has the background image, not the view itself so when I’m swiping, the background is white, and then goes back to the background image. How can I make that background black?

Hi @all,
thanks for this integration. That could make things more easy.
Only problem what I have is that I’m using a FireHD 10 tablet with Fully Kiosk App running on.
When I open the page in a browser I can swipe trough but not in the Fully Kiosk App. I know that this is not the problem of the app but maybe one of you have the same setup working and can help me out?
Cheers and a great weekend