I am going forward and backwards please can someone help:
My group won’t switch using my automation. I keep getting this error, Invalid config for [automation]: Entity ID group.tp-link is an invalid entity id. I don’t understand whay as i have created it as below.
Here is my code snippets I can manually switch the group in the overview.
name: tp-link
- switch.Smartplug01
- switch.Smartplug02
- switch.Smartplug03
- alias: "Turn all lights on at 7:00am"
platform: time
at: '7:00'
entity_id: group.tp-link
service: homeassistant.turn_on
In the side menu of HA right down the bottom under Developer Tools, click on the <> icon. Look for what HA has renamed your group. It will probably be something like group.tp_link, or it may not be there.
HA doesn’t like dashes, I know you cant use them in script names. Probably the same for groups. Use underscores ( _ ) instead.