I like HA very much. But I would like to use Hassio. Quite a bit of my hardware is X10 modules. Hassbian uses Heyu running in the background which requires a raspian OS. And Hassbian doesn’t work well with X10 anyway.
My old program is HomeGenie(HG). It handles X10 quite well. At one time I had IFTTT accepting google home commands and sending web commands(urls) to HG with worked OK except for the delay of going out and back though two servers.
So what I would like to do is setup light/dimmers and switches in HA that will send the web commands to HG to control the X10 devices. This would effectively sub HG for Heyu on my pi or a remote pi on my network allowing me too use HASSIO.
Can this be done and if so how?
Thanks for your consideration and help.