Switch from USB to Ethernet ZigBee coordinator?

Same, the only info I could find on the product listing is that P7 had more memory. And was recommended for networks with 200+ devices.

All the other SoCs and specs appeared to be identical.

The P7 is newer/better, but still has some rough edges ( specially in the SDK support)

I’ve been using the SLZB-06 for several months and have had no problems. I got it for the same reason - to connect to HA on a Proxmox cluster VM. It’s also nice that it doesn’t need to be near the cluster.

Does the P7 have Matter/Thread support. Product listing implies it doesn’t.

Today I would like to move the device from Sonoff ZB Dongle 3.0 plus USB to SLZB-06 M.
Is there an easy way to do this without re-pairing the device?

For that, it is the same as the P. Remember, TI does not do multi-protocol, it’s either Zigbee or Thread.

Interesting topic!

Just out of curiosity. Is it an easy migration from SONOFF ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus, TI CC2652P Coördinator to a SLZB-06?

The migration from SONOFF ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus to SLZB-06M went smoothly in minutes without re-pairing. The SLZB-06M works perfectly so far.

I’ve not done it, but I think you would need to repair all of the devices. As the SLZB-06 uses a different chip to the Sonoff Dongle.

I think the SLZB-06M uses the same chipset as the Sonoff Dongle which may give you more look to migrate more easily without repairing. But haven’t tried or tested this. Going off what I’ve read so far.

Have you tried the UZG-01 gateway?

Just recently migrated from Sonoff ZigBee 3 Dongle Plus to SLZB-06p7 with ZHA everything went fine did not have to repair one device the web interface is great. Really like these devices.

I have not, but I have read a lot about issues with it.

Can you, please, describe the steps?
Thanks a lot.

If you’re using Z2M and an adapter with the same chipset you can follow the guide on the Z2M FAQs.

Set via SLZB-06M web interface
Stop Z2M
Remove the Sonoff USB dongle
Change Z2M settings
Run Z2M
I later switched to ember but did the zigbee setup again with this Z2M setup

  port: tcp://1xx.1x.x.2xx:6638
  adapter: ember
  rtscts: false


I’ve got the 06M right now too, since you can’t change its IEEE how did you migrate?
if I just change the usb serial to the ethernet as in the stick’s config page,
Z2M complains about no matching type and doesn’t boot

Try removing in Z2M
Restart HA and start Z2M.

Would that not delete all the devices too?

If you remove only this, the devices will be preserved because they are in the configuration and db
If something goes wrong, you still have the HA backup and can roll back

I just migrated from my Sonoff-E stick to the SLZB-06M without any problems.

With newer Firmware it is possible to change the IEEE adress so it was easy:

  • write down IEEE adress of old stick
  • stop Z2M
  • disconnect stick
  • change config in YAML and z2m addon
  • change IEEE adress via web interface of 06M
  • restart z2m
  • wait and pray
  • _ :wink:
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