Switch: mqtt - Config failing for roller blind ( probably me )

Invalid config for [switch.mqtt]: [payload_open] is an invalid option for [switch.mqtt]. Check: switch.mqtt->payload_open. (See ?, line ?).

This is to control my somfy roller shutters up and down. I think “switch:” is proably not correct but i cant for the life of me to work out what it should be. Im editing in configuration.yaml

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Living Room Left"
    availability_topic: "home/nodemcu/somfy/livingroom/status"
    state_topic: "home/nodemcu/somfy/livingroom/state"
    command_topic: "home/nodemcu/somfy/livingleft"
    qos: 1
    payload_open: "u"
    payload_stop: "s"
    payload_close: "d"
    retain: true

Fyi copying the setup from the project im following here :

Thanks thansk thanks

Because you have the configuration under switch:. It should be under cover:

Mqtt switches don’t have those options. Hence the errors you are seeing.

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Thanks Tom I literally would never of thought of cover and I couldn’t find a list of all the mqtt types on one page!

Ta alex

List of mqtt integrations: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations#search/Mqtt

That’s pretty embrassing

I don’t shame people for not knowing something. I’m learning new things every day.

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That’s a nice philosophy to live by

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Great vibe.

Really enjoying learning and setting up HA!