Switch node not working

Switch node won’t allow me to change the condition. It works using nodered as a docker container.

This is a new node dragged out? What about existing? If by chance opening the node changes the condition and you can’t edit it, close the page and do not deploy. Have you’ve also tried a restart of nodered?

This is a new node. I delete nodered complete from HA and reinstalled and it’s having the same issue.

Then maybe a clean install? All settings and such are saved if you just remove from the addon page. After removing from the addon page, Rename the noldred folder to nodered.old. Restart the core then reinstall.

I ssh and remove nodered completely and reinstall yet the issue remains. What’s worst is that I can’t type in the data feild using the call service node. As soon I type a single letter, it’s like my keyboard stops working and I have to awkwardly click my most every time I type a letter.

What’s going on with the nodered addon? As I stated before, nodered using docker works perfectly fine.

Anyone else having this issue? I’m running haos in a vm under proxmox. I’ve testing a vm in virtual box with the same results. Both gif below are clean install of haos with nothing but node red installed.

This gif show’s the issue of not being to type when expanding the data box.

Desktop 2022.02.27 -

This is the next issue of not be able to change the switch node condition.

Desktop 2022.02.27 -

This issue does not exits running node red standalone in docker. The only difference I notice is that ha node red addon is on version 2.2.1 vs 2.2.2 standalone.

Have you tried from a different machine? Or direct access, yourHAip:1880.

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Direct access works! thanks, never thought of trying that. Going to try a different PC now.
Using another PC works too. Now I know what my issue is! thanks again @Mikefila

I’m experiencing the same issue with Node Red 2.2.2
Right click also sometimes stop working, and I often lose the use of the keyboard when typing in the JSON editor.

I’ve never had this issue before. The only encounter this issue when using Chrome. If I open HA on Edge, there is no issue.

Any ideas please?

Sometimes browser addon can cause problems, clearing cache , cookies etc. look to see if there is an updated ver of the browser. If you open it in chrome on another machine does it work?

It definitely has something with google chrome, maybe an addon or something else because It works perfectly fine using incognito mode. I haven’t got around removing addons yet to see if one or more is causing the issue.

Thank you! I found the culprit.

I disabled all addons and it worked. So I slowly re-enabled one at a time to check.

It was the Enpass add on, but I also think it may have to do with anything that adds something to the right click context menu, as when I disabled that setting within Enpass, I could keep the add on enabled and still have node red function correctly.

Hope this helps anyone else who might run into this issue.


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Wow I’m using Enpass too! thanks for the fix!

Where exactly did you find that setting in Enpass?

Edit, found it!

Edit again. Disabling the context menu option didn’t fix it for me.

My apologies - the setting that I turned off that fixed the issue was:

“Show Inline Autofill Popup Menu”