Switch over from VeraEdge To Home Assistant

Hi all,

I have a VeraEdge at home running all my Z-Wave devices.
I bought it in a kind of impuls in the past.

In my opinion it’s very complex to make scene’s etc…
Basic scenes are ok with the configurator, but the moment you need some extra programming,…

Anyways, long story short.
I would like to move all my Z-Wave devices to Home Assistant and get rid of the VeraEdge.
Is there any way you can do this?


I use the Vera component (https://home-assistant.io/components/vera/) for my zwave devices.

Then u can start useing HA and automate your stuff

Start with the Vera component, then add a Z-Wave controller to your computer. Then you can exclude (remove) the devices from the Vera and include (add) them directly to Home Assistant at the pace you’re happy with.

@Daniel_Gronlund: yeah, I know that there is a Vera component - that ideal to start with in the beginning, but ideally I want to get rid of the Vera Hardware completely - the more hardware the more that can fail.

@Tinkerer: sweet! I’ll give that a try!

Sure its a component that can fail. Ive been useing Vera as a Zwave chip for about a year and works very nice.