Switch Raspberry Pi model?

EDIT: It works, but Hassio is unstable on my rPi v3 A+, frequent restarts after a few days uptime, eventually becomes unresponsive.

Hey, I searched but couldn’t find an answer to this.

I’m running Hassio on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, all fine, no problems.

I just ordered a Raspberry Pi 3 A+, can I just take the microSD from my B+ and put it in the A+ and have everything just work? Or do I need to maybe take a snapshot, install Hassio on a new microSD and restore the snapshot?


The quick answer is… YES!

My new rPi v3 A+ arrived this morning, I took a snapshot in Hassio and backed it up, shut down the B+, took out the microSD card, put it into the A+, turned it on and a few minutes later I got the usual notification I have set up for when Home Assistant restarts.

IP address changed, but I can sort that later, and I was able to log in via hassio.local:8123 with no problems, everything seems to be working exactly as before.

I was worried the lower RAM would cause problems but all ok so far, seems just as responsive as on the B+. It’s not doing any real heavy lifting, my setup is pretty basic, but I’ll report back if there are any problems.

OK, after a few weeks, I’ve switched back to the B+.

After a few days running on the A+, Home Assistant restarts intermittently and it happens more and more frequently (like every couple of hours) until eventually it becomes unresponsive. Power cycling the rPi sorts it out, but after a few days it happens again.

Didn’t have this problem with the B+ before, so hopefully switching back will sort it out.