Hi all,
I 'm a total newbie to Home Assistant and ESPhome. In my house all the lights are controled by momentary (pulse) switches on a 24V DC circuit, the switches then give pulses to an impulse switch relay. this system works perfectly and i want to be able to continue using the system this way.
Additional to this i want to have the possibility to control all the lights “smart”. For the moment I configured a relay board that i control with an ESP32 to give a 500ms pulse to my impulse switch relay.
The problem with this is that i can’t see the current state of my light in HomeAssistant.
For this i want to use an optocoupler board to “read” the state of the light and feed the info back into the esp32.
In the lovelace dashboard i want to see a switch with the current state of the light. When i change the on-off state in home assistant this should trigger the 500ms pulse command on the relay board.
Currently i can read the state of the light and give the 500ms second pulse but i cannot combine this into a single switch on the lovelace dashboard.
Could somebody here in the community help me out with this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance for everybody reading this post and thinking along.