Switch style for turning automation on and off

Is it possible to have a sort of on off switch to turn on off an automation?

Or any other way?

Just take the widget_type switch and give it your automation as entity

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Will it keep the status of the automation (if its on or off)?

thats not possible, because HA has only pushbutton function for automations. (unless they changed something i dont know about)

Sorry, @ReneTode, but this works.
If i switch an automation on/off in HA, HADashboard shows the correct state and vice versa.

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oke, then they changed something.
in the past they only had a pushbutton (actually nothing more then a link) for automations.

but i am a bit confused.
in my eyes an automation can have 4 states. which are switched by your widget?

  1. automation = active (waiting for the trigger to happen)
  2. automation = inactive (if trigger happens, nothing happens)
  3. automation gets started (manual override for the trigger)
  4. automation is running (the actions are being done)

i can imagine that 1 and 2 are switched, but that wont show if an automation is running and it wont start an automation.

That’s what i mean. I can switch the automation active/inactive.
1 and 2 are working, 3 and 4 not.
Sorry for the confusion.

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yeah oke. thanks.
its sometimes hard to know what people mean when they speak about turning an automation on and off :wink:

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You can actually do both, turn an automation on or off, trigger it manually:

but not with 1 switch in the dashboard :wink:

My goal is to make it active or inactive