Hi there,
I need some help with one of my automations and conditions…
The goal is, to enable the charging station when the tariff switches to the off-peak tariff.
When it switches back to the peak tariff, the charging-station should be disabled again.
alias: switch tariff
description: calculate kw-usage within the specific tariff
- platform: time
at: "05:00:00"
tariff: Go # off-peak
- platform: time
at: "00:00:00"
tariff: Standard # peak
condition: []
# switch:
- service: input_select.select_option
# tariff-entity (select)
entity_id: select.octopusenergy_go
# value (peak or off-peak)
option: "{{ tariff }}"
# additional
# if in off-peak tariff, enable charging point
- service: openwbmqtt.enable_disable_cp
mqtt_prefix: openWB
selected_status: "On"
charge_point_id: 1
# and switch charging-mode to direct
- service: openwbmqtt.change_global_charge_mode
mqtt_prefix: openWB
global_charge_mode: Sofortladen
mode: single
# if the tariff switches back to peak - disable charging-point
short update: the first option (to enable the charging-station) has been made by using the option “switch.toggle” and then using the switch entity that will enable the same action as the service itself.
- service: switch.toggle
data: {}
entity_id: switch.openwb_cp1_ladepunkt_aktiv
Maybe, I CAN workaround with the other option to select the correct charging mode with disabling some features on the charging station itself and keep it in the “direct” mode … it should not charge, as long as the charging point is disabled.