I wrote a refrigerator control a year ago. I wanted to swap the unit_of_measurement from C to F for display on both the controller and the HA dashboard. Not being too clever I changed the units in ESPHome and then re-booted the board to force an update to the HA front end. All works.
I have a template switch to switch the unit (and save a global). The framework a year ago worked. Now with 2024.6.0 (and 5.5) the “turn_off_action” gets called during setup and my doodad gets into an endless reboot loop. I looked at the change log and didn’t see anything obvious.
I “publish” the initial state for the switch in “on_boot:” (based on the saved global), but commenting that out doesn’t affect the above behavior. I have some buttons driving a menu which also set the value, and those don’t appear to be firing either. So, the call to “turn_off_action” seems to be limited to the setup of ESPHome framework after boot.
Any thoughts beyond a gross hack to ignore the first call to “turn_off_action”?
- platform: template
name: Farenheit # keep this internal to ESPHome end device
id: farenheit
- lambda: |-
id(bFarenheit) = true; // global value saved through reboots
ESP_LOGI("refer", "Farenheit turned on");
- script.execute: update
- script.execute: restart_refrigerator
- lambda: |-
id(bFarenheit) = false;
ESP_LOGI("refer", "Farenheit turned off");
- script.execute: update
- script.execute: restart_refrigerator
lambda: return id(bFarenheit);
Which solves the problem of the endless reboot (but why is it being called in the first place).
Second problem, the global “bFarenheit” and “bEnable” are not being saved/restored. All the numeric values seem to be saved and restored properly. Again, I see nothing in the release notes regarding global behavior changing (Oh, BTW: ESP32)
# NB: Store setpoints in either C or F (floats) and convert upon editing the scale.
- id: refer_sp
type: float
restore_value: yes
initial_value: '3' # 37 f
- id: freezer_sp
type: float
restore_value: yes
initial_value: '-18' # 0f
- id: bFarenheit # Default F
type: bool
restore_value: yes
initial_value: 'true'
- id: nTimeout
type: int
restore_value: yes
initial_value: '15'
- id: bEnable
type: bool
restore_value: yes
initial_value: 'false'
That is a bug in the documentation. I do expose the template to HA which is how the dashboard can control the units display on the remote device.
However, I am still struggling a bit. The OLD framework never called “on_turn_off/on” automation during boot. I used a stored global “bFarenheit” to set the initial state of the template switch in the “on_boot” automation.
The NEW framework calls the “on_turn_on/off” during boot to reflect its state regardless of publishing the global state. How can I disable this? Can I disable this? I want to disable this.
I mirror the state of the template switch with my global and use that to decide if I need to run the automation. Super clunky. NB. printf (e.g. ESP_LOGI) debugging. Uhg.
P.S. I tried setting the on_boot priority to 800 in an attempt to “publish_state” before the template switch automation was called. Anyway, my old code, which was pretty clean, relied on no automations being called during boot.