Switch to Raspberry pi5

Is there a guide step by step to switch from Raspberry pi4 to Raspberry pi5 HAOS installation?

In general, moving to a different platform should be as simple as restoring a backup from one HAOS installation to another.

The RPI5 is a different chip architecture than the RPI4 - but still no issue -

Are they both HAOS - or the old one Supervised (as it will work with both HAOS and HA Supervised)?

  1. Upgrade your RPI4 to the latest version of HA etc.
  2. Use the google drive backup to make a full backup and make sure it is also copied to the cloud
  3. Install HAOS on the RPI5 from the image given as it is a different architecture CPU so it cannot be the same OS codebase - then
  4. Log into HA on the RPI5
  5. Install the google drive backup integration on the RPI5 HA, then
  6. Just do a full restore of that backup (grabbing the file from the cloud) from step 2 onto the RPI5
