Switch Zigbee Tuya TS011F with ZHA turns off only after a few seconds

Hi @mattsaxon,
Can you please post a link to the “TS011F by _TZ3000_typdpbpg” firmware you used?


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Many Thanks!

It also did not start for me, I had to manually trigger it via zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command as explained in the docs:

service: zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command
  ieee: a4:c1:38:11:2b:XX:XX:XX
  endpoint_id: 1 # or endpoint_id: 3
  cluster_type: out
  command_type: client
  cluster_id: 25
  command: 0
    payload_type: 0
    query_jitter: 100
2022-11-25 14:34:28.318 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0xD967:1:0x0019] OTA upgrade_end handler for '_TZ3000_5f43h46b TS011F': status=Status.SUCCESS, manufacturer_id=4417, image_type=54179, file_version=192

My plug suddenly started doing this, it is recognized in zigbee2mqtt as _TZ3000_cphmq0q7.
When i check for OTA update, i get a red error message “No image available for imageType ‘5634’”.

Same, started happening recently after years of operation. Z2M 1.36.0, Zigbee Model TS011F
Zigbee Manufacturer _TZ3000_cphmq0q7

No update to anything available