I’m using Homeassistant to control my Blind Tilt devices. I had them connected via the Switchbot integration in Homeassistant and I was able to control as follows…
100%=closed up
0%=closed down
(using set_cover_tilt_position).
I’ve switched to Matter control in Home assistant and now it controls as follows…
N/A=closed up
0%=closed down
(using set_cover_position).
Why is the switchbot integration controlling differenty from the matter integration for my blinds?
Does set_cover_tilt_position and set_cover_position work differently?
I tried to use set_cover_tilt_position and “tilt_position” with matter but it throws an API error so I had to use set_cover_position and “position” to get the blinds moving.
I’ve seen to template stuff for the cover entity but I don’t think it will fix not being able to close up with matter control.
Any insight would be welcome - thanks
Note: I switched to matter control because I believe that the Switchbot integration is controlling via bluetooth and I wanted HA to talk via matter to the switchbot hub, then the hub (which is closer to the blinds) can do the bluetooth to the blinds.
Any update on this? I noticed the same thing. The reason why to utilise the Matter integration is that as stated, it goes through the hub so you don’t have to have proximity of the HA setup close to the units or ESP32 BLE Proxie’s and also it is much faster than going through BLE.
No update. I’m still using BLE and it works most of the time but on occasion i find that some of my blinds did not move.
I was able to make a change that did help with BLE… In the switchbot app I grouped my sets of blinds then only had to issue one request to control each set of blinds. This improved the situation and when you do it this way, all of the blinds start at the exact same time.
Another thing I experimented with matter was to recalibrate the blind so that the mid position was actually at the near fully open up position. By doing this, when you command to go to 100, it will now go to the fully closed position (up in my case) and 50% would open the blind to the mid-position. It’s a work around for the way matter works but I decided to stay with the BLE for now.
I noticed that you can change how the blind acts by going to the hub 2 settings and configuring the matter shared device what position it should use with the “close”: upwards or downwards. This enables you to select the one you want, but unfortunately not both.
I think this and for example the K10+ matter supporting only On/Off through matter are restrictions of the Matter support and what it offers?
Yes, this will let you either close up or close down. Either way, it restricts your mothin to 0%=closed to 100%=fully open. There’s no easy way to make the blinds have full motion (fully closed to fully opened).
The bluetooth integration gives you full motion but bluetooth isn’t too reliable for me.