Please include the water leak detector to the SwitchBot Bluetooth integration.
The API is described here:
Water leak API
Great find! From what I can see, the HA integration uses pySwitchbot to talk to the BLE accessories, so it needs to be added there beforehand. @Danielhiversen seems to be the maintainer. Let us know, if you need any data/information to make it happen
These leak detectors seem to work really well, are inexpensive, and as they are also able to detect “dry”, for example for a fish tank, they would be a great addition to HA! For reference, we are talking about this sensor: SwitchBot Water Leak Detector
I also recently purchased a water leak detector, unfortunately, I was disappointed to see that the homeassistant couldn’t detect my new water leak sensors I will be following up on the update here! I hope @Danielhiversen can add the connection
We have nothing new on this topic ? Get my sensors yesterday, but cant add them to HA.
Am also greatly interested by this feature.
Globally, Switchbot items are very good items.
Many thanks for feedback of any kind regarding the possible inclusion of the feature
I am a bit confused. On the webpage it says it can be connected via Bluetooth or Wifi or a SwitchBot Hub. On this webpage it is even stated it can be connected via Apple Homekit.
I mean, if Homekit would be possible, then that’s end of discussion for me because any device connected with Apple Homekit works very well (not always to full extent but since this sensor is very simple (water yes/no) I would not expect any issues here. But I don’t find anything like “Homekit compatible” on the switchbot webpage. My follow-up question would also be does it mean Homekit compatible with the Switchbot hub or the sensor alone?
So assuming there is no Homekit compatibility → back to the other options:
- Someone stated “BLE”, which is a no-go for me
- But it also says “Wifi” in the specs.
→ So there is my question: can this device be added to homeassistant purely using wifi? Yes/No? (no Switchbot Hub, no Bluetooth/BLE, just wifi like the shelly devices)
Other than that: anybody knows a waterleak sensor that is purely wifi (or Apple Homekit), can be added to HA, without any aquara hubs, tuya, zigbee hubs, bluetooth and so on? Second requirement: I am not the biggest fan of batteries. So if it has a battery instead of a cable it would need to be a type that can be replaced with a Batterie-AC-Adapter like all the normal batteries but NOT CR123A. I think from this point of view I only found the one from “Eve” but it’s like 90€
You should be able to add it to Home Assistant via Matter if you have a Switchbot Hub 2 or Hub Mini that is Matter supported.
As far as Bluetooth in Home Assistant, it seems this sensor defaults to WiFi if you have a WiFi connection and only drops to Bluetooth if WiFi is not available.
As was mentioned at the start of this thread, might be worth checking if it is added to pySwitchBot and if not, log a feature request on their Github site first.
Although this is bluetooth capable, if it doesn’t advertise itself and its status via BLE then it may not be able to be added to the Switchbot BLE integration in Home Assistant. The Switchbot Remote (2 button one) is another device that would be good in HA, but it doesn’t seem to advertise it’s status via BLE to allow it to be added.
@lutz85 The device is Matter compatible via the Switchbot Hub 2 or Hub Mini (Matter Enabled). I have not read anything about Homekit on Switchbot’s website, so can’t comment on that.
It will drop to Bluetooth if WiFi is not available, it does not do Bluetooth and WiFi at the same time.
How do I get this SwitchBot Water Leak Detector | Prevent Water Damage with Remote Monitoring – SwitchBot International to work with HA?
I have the matter hub mini connected to HA and it doesn’t detect it nor does it detect it via BT.