Switchbot Bluetooth Water Leak detector

Please include the water leak detector to the SwitchBot Bluetooth integration.
The API is described here:
Water leak API

Great find! From what I can see, the HA integration uses pySwitchbot to talk to the BLE accessories, so it needs to be added there beforehand. @Danielhiversen seems to be the maintainer. Let us know, if you need any data/information to make it happen :rocket:

These leak detectors seem to work really well, are inexpensive, and as they are also able to detect “dry”, for example for a fish tank, they would be a great addition to HA! For reference, we are talking about this sensor: SwitchBot Water Leak Detector

I also recently purchased a water leak detector, unfortunately, I was disappointed to see that the homeassistant couldn’t detect my new water leak sensors :frowning: I will be following up on the update here! I hope @Danielhiversen can add the connection

We have nothing new on this topic ? Get my sensors yesterday, but cant add them to HA.