Hello, it’s my first time here, and I start few weeks ago with HA. I took SwitchBot Hub 2 to control the air conditioner through these API I was able to send the commands, but is there a way to read data from Hub 2 such as temperature and humidity? Or read what temperature is the air conditioner set to? Because even if it is an entity I can’t read the values
I would also like to know how to integrate it. Especially because it is connected to the home network over Wi-Fi and is matter enabled. In theory it should act as a matter bridge for all Switchbot Bluetooth devices connected to it.
But the Home Assistant Switchbot integration thinks you want to add Bluetooth Switchbot devices directly to HA.
I also got the Switchbot Hub 2 and I’m wondering can it connect to HA with the t&h readings, buttons, rf controlled devices?
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