I have the Switchbot Lock and I’m trying to add the Switchbot integration to HA. With the Switchbot lock in pairing mode (blue light flashing) I try to add the Switchbot integration via +add Integration button on the Devices and Services page. The pop up window say, “No unconfigured devices found”. The firmware on the lock V6.2. Any ideas as to what I’m doing wrong. I saw in today’s 2023.1 release party that its working and the documentation says it is now supported, but no luck. I know you have to enter credentials for your Switchbot account, but I can’t even get that far with the error message.
I figured it out. I had to put the bluetooth device into Active, not passive, mode.
Hi , wich bluetooth device are you talking about? esp32 proxy? switchbot lock by itself?
The HA bluetooth device. In my case a USB bluetooth device. Go to Settings → Devices & Services and find your Bluetooth device in the list and select CONFIGURE and unselect Passive scanning.
Thank you very much for your answer, one more thing, I can open and close from HA but the state of the entity is not updated, it always says
Unlocked, can you tell me why? Has it happened to you?
My HA shows that stat of the lock correctly. I would try removing the device and re-pairing it. I’ve seen other devices, mostly zigbee, do this, but I don’t have any other Switchbot devices in which to compare.
thank you very much for your help