[Switchbot Lock Pro] - Bluetooth integration issues

Hi there!

I bought the switchbot lock pro and wanted to have it integrated in HA and purchased a bluetooth dongle, connected it to the PC, USB bypass, etc.
So I see the integration automatically popping up in HA and when I try to install it using the android credentials user and password, I am constantly getting the “unknown error ocurred”, no mather how many times I try it.

I live in Germany, just in case the API is not yet release for the country (?). I could give it a try with python, but I have 2 left hands with the computer.

Can anyone give me a hand please?

Thank you and take care!

Is your Switchbot account using SSO?

This integration doesn’t support SSO accounts (Login with Google, etc.) only username and password accounts.

Hi @brooksben11

Thank you for the reply. I followed the guide and I am using a Google Account as you see from the screenshot, but don’t know what SSO mean. Am not allowed to use it? Should I need to use another one? You have any recommendation?

Take care

When you setup your Switchbot account, did you setup an account and password or did you click a ‘sign in with Google’ type thing and are using your Google account (so Google password, in addition to email address) to sign in?