Switchbot lock - sees status but cannot control it

Hi, got some problems with my Switchbot Lock (not the PRO model).

I got the lock more than a year ago, installed it and it has worked flawless after that integrated with Home Assistant. I have it setup so that family can just push a hidden button then thru Home Assistant, it unlocks the door, then using the auto-lock feature the door locks itself when closed.

Some week ago I ran out of battery so I had to change, following a recalibration, also I noticed there was a new firmware (7.0) which I installed.

Then problem started.

Firsty I noticed that the auto-lock feature was not reliable any longer, sometime it just did not lock the door, and sometimes it locked. I re-calibrated but the issue did not go away.

Today I read some note on the web, suggesting to delete the lock from the Switchbot app and then add it again. So I tried this, happily it seems like that solved the problem with the auto-lock issues.

But…now I cannot unlock/lock the door within Home Assistant… All status in HA still works so HA can see that the door is open/closed and all information regarding unlock/lock is showned in the Logbook of the device (without delay). But when pressing unlock/lock action then nothing happens.

I tried to re-start Home Assistant but to no success. I also tried looking in the HA log for any bluetooth errors/issues but couldn’t find any - maybe looked in the wrong place.

Anyone have any tips how to troubleshoot this?

Have you deleted it from HA, restarted and then added it back?

Nope, haven’t done that. Will try tomorrow. Thanks!

Yup, works better now. Thanks.