Switchbot Universal Remote

Anyone already got it’s hands on it? Hoping for fast HA (local) support.


I pre-ordered one.

I just ordered on Amazon too! :raised_hands:

Did anyone of you receive it yet and if so, does it work out of the box wit ha or does it need some work?

Mine is to be delivered today. We will see what can be done with it out of the box.

Well… I set up Matter and imported that to HA. I got a “Generic Button” device that has four Generic Switch events. There are for switches under the display that should generate press events on the switches, but they I do not see any.

Not what I was expecting. I will keep at it and update.


Same experience here so far.

I’m hoping for s good harmony replacement…
Can you start activities with it like on harmony?

Seems the integration is not yet working for HA?

So it turns out that in the Switchbot app, you can setup the 4 buttons as matter devices.

Go to the remote in the app. Click manage devices. Click the plus symbol. Click third party control. Click matter.

Now you can name each button.

When it saves to the remote, these buttons come up as accessory when you press the Switchbot logo button to take you to the device select screen. Select matter accessory and now the 4 buttons under the screen are 4 matter buttons sending events to your matter bridge.

Once I did this, since I already had the remote buttons showing up under matter in Home Assistant, each button passes an event when it’s pressed.

I actually found it passes two events for some reason.

I’m using one of them to toggle an input Boolean to test it out and it seems to be working fine. I just made a condition that it only toggles if the state has been unchanged for 2 seconds. Otherwise the 2 events were toggling it on and back off immediately.

It appears it can do scenes similar to Harmony IF you have one of the hubs.

Because for some reason, the remote itself doesn’t seem to control anything besides air conditioners, lights and televisions.

As in, I can add my receiver to the hub and control it from the app via the IR blaster on the hub. I can set scenes with it and the scene can be called from the remote. But I can’t change the receiver volume or change the input directly from the remote because the receiver will not copy from the hub to the remote.

It’s insane, and hopefully something they will fix in an update.

Ok, that’s indeed a bummer, I stick for now with my harmony then…