SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify SonoffSwitch to extend SwitchEntity

Hello Every One i have a message from HA with this information
SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify SonoffSwitch to extend SwitchEntity

Logger: homeassistant.components.switch
Source: components/switch/init.py:123
Integration: Interrupteur (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:52:54 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:52:54

  • SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify SonoffSwitch to extend SwitchEntity
  • SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify SonoffDebugSwitch to extend SwitchEntity

Can you explain to me what i need to do I Go to the site when i find the code but last update is 10 month components/switch/init.py:123

Thanks you

Was there a fix for this? I am getting the same