I’m running Hass.io on a Raspberry Pi 3. I recently had everything up and running with DuckDNS and Let’s Encrypt but, after switching to Google Wifi, I can’t seem to get it to work (even though the configs are exactly the same as previously). I did do a fresh install of Hass.io on my Pi as there was quite a few things that I wanted to just redo. I can’t remember exactly how I set it up last time but this is what I’ve done so far.
For the sake of privacy and still being able to show you what I’ve written as close as possible, I’ve replaced my domain on DuckDNS with banana.
My Wifi setup is that I have a router (which I need because of my stupid internet provider using coaxial cables instead of ethernet) which I’ve disabled Wifi on and connected by ethernet to my Google Wifi.
First I forwarded port 8123 > 8123 on both the Google Wifi and my other router. When testing to access my Home Assistant from my public IP and port 8123 it worked.
Then I installed the DuckDNS add on with these options:
"lets_encrypt": {
"accept_terms": true,
"certfile": "fullchain.pem",
"keyfile": "privkey.pem"
"token": "MY_TOKEN",
"domains": [
"seconds": 300
In my config, I have the following (exactly the same as previously except that I removed the api_password field until I get this working).
base_url: https://banana.duckdns.org:8123
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
I then forwarded port 443 > 8123 on both my Google Wifi and router.
After restarting Hass.io, Duck DNS and both routers, the best I can do to access my home assistant is use the url https://hassio.local:8123/.
When using the url https://banana.duckdns.org/ all I see is the Home Assistant logo with the spinner and the text connecting. After a while it asks me to enter a password (which is why I removed the api_password from the config). When I previously had the api_password in the config file and entered that password, it wouldn’t connect anyways.
My DuckDNS logs say the following (I’ve replaced my public IP with ##.###.##.###):
starting version 3.2.2
# INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config
+ Account already registered!
Sat Dec 23 11:08:43 CET 2017: OK
# INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config
Processing banana.duckdns.org
+ Checking domain name(s) of existing cert... unchanged.
+ Checking expire date of existing cert...
+ Valid till Mar 22 15:49:10 2018 GMT (Longer than 30 days). Skipping renew!
There doesn’t seem to be anything relevant in the home assistant logs either. Any idea what I could be missing/how to debug further?