Switcher V2 All In One Full Control

[] Waiting for broadcast from Switcher device…
] Sending Login Packet to Switcher…
[+] Received SessionID: 00000000


Open your Switcher App, perform one of the following actions and press the “Enter” key immediately:

  1. Click the “Update” button in the “Auto Shutdown” screen, or…
  2. Turn on device

[+] Press the “Enter” key to continue…
[*] Waiting for a valid Phone ID Packet…
[!] Failed to get data, Please try again!
did it solved yet ?

Can you please share your node-red module for switcher ?

Sorry, not using node red anymore.
Switched to ha yaml automation long time ago.
But you don’t really need it with the newer switcher_kis component.

In general all the swircher issues has been resolved.
It is fully working again.
There are 2 general approaches, using switcher_kis official oob component in HA or using the switcher webAPI in docker container.
For the webapi approach I have written a guide, this is how I use it myself currently.

To retrieve the data, try the extractV3.py script if the original is not working for you.
All you need now is device id, for the phone id use 0000 and for password use 00000000.

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Thanks! I wasn’t aware of the docker webapi :slight_smile:

@TomerFi, thanks for the amazing integration over API,
I created a new integration based on the API with UI configuration,
For now it’s in my repo, please let me know if you would like me to do a pull request with the code into the HA component

Amazing job. The current HAS component just doesn’t work for me, this worked flawlessly. Thank you.