Switches dissapeared

upgraded to the latest HAS version, my switches defined in configuration.yaml disappeared from web UI, any idea why? thanks


looks like that

can anyone advice what happened here? thanks

Look in your logs for errors and correct the errors. There should be something if that setup failed. When it doubt, always consult your logs first and provide them with posts if you still need help.

@petro sorry my fault, i can see only

2022-04-25 13:48:45 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.components.orvibo.switch] S20 at couldn’t be initialized

2022-04-25 13:48:48 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.components.orvibo.switch] S20 at couldn’t be initialized

Verify that those IPs still exist through your router.

@petro thanks, both dead ;-( appreciate.

ouch, dead or just need to be reset?