Switching 24vAC using SSR 240vAC relay to control a gate

Hello all,

I have been trying to control a gate opener using a SSR because I can only find SSR high triggered relays as all the regulars here are low triggered which means it might send a signal to open the gate at boot if there was a power outage.

Question: Can I use a SSR rated 240vAC to switch 24vAC loads?

Test: so far it seems like it doesn’t work with SSR relays.

It was my understanding that these SSR relays would switch any AC voltage and not just 220v.

I would appreciate any help explaining this.

Thank you

BTW if anyone wants to control a “Cardin” gate automation kit you just need to connect pin 6 to open and 7 to close and 8 to step-step, all to pin 12 in a normally open setting and only send the signal for about a second…

I was looking to do this with my gate opener for a while, in the end i just use the controller it came with and use a relay to simulate the button press. i also use reed switches to know the actual state of the gate. this way all the soft start and force limiting are still handled correctly. i couldn’t get the built in limits/position sensors to reliably trigger, hence the external reed switches.

in the switch component there is restore mode, i think this should help… may still be best to use a external pullup just to make sure

i just use a really cheap esp relay module. the hardest part was finding a decent 24vac to 5v step down… as it kept on popping the cheap ones i originally used. and it seemed to draw too much power using the 5v from the control board.

I actually broke a phone charger open and reduced it’s size and used it from the 230v input, everything fits inside the original casing which is amazing,

I also use the brand’s board in this case it’s Cardin, and I only use the relay to signal over 24vAC and all my limits and sensors are working just as they should, I don’t know why they wouldn’t in your case.

My real problem is that I only have access to cheap low triggered relays and no high triggered ones unless it’s SSR and the ones I have seem to only work with 240vAC and not 24vAC.

As with low triggered ones it will trigger on boot for sure which I hate so much plus it’s not safe for a main gate.

Ok so I finally solved the boot trigger issue by disabling the restore mode and inverting relays, it might still trigger but not enough for the gate to respond during boot after a power outage or something so far.


  • platform: gpio
    pin: 5
    name: “gate 2”
    id: g2
    inverted: True
    restore_mode: DISABLED
    - delay:
    milliseconds: 1000
    - switch.turn_off: g2

Is restore mode disable the right mode? That does nothing… should be restore mode always_off and then the inverted handles the high signal being off

That’s how I used to do it but this time I tried this and it works just fine as I tested all kinds of blackouts, reboot scenarios so far, I think the invert line is the solution here and not the restore mode.

It could still twitch at boot for a second but definitely not enough to trigger the Cardin motor sliding gate.

I also added a boot script to send the close signal to the gate just in case even though during testing it’s completely fine…