I would want to do the following:
I have a switch that turns a light on or off. Now I want to have it that this light is always on for as much time as it takes so that the room its in always gets 12 hours of “daylight” during that day.
Meaning I somehow need to combine the amount of actual daylight and turn on the light in addition to that in the mornings.
In pseudo code:
if daylight_time < 12h:
time to turn on the lights = time of dawn - 12h
time to turn them off again = starting time of daylight
And then have an automation that just uses those times to flip the switch.
This is for a chicken coop in the wintertime and will turn on/off a special light that simulates sunlight.
Thank you. That’s makes perfect sense and helped me a lot.
I want to only turn the light on in the morning so I went with this which also should make sure (correct me if I’m wrong please ) that the light is always on for at least 30 minutes and not less.
alias: Light Coop
description: ""
- alias: Trigger 12hr before sunset
platform: template
value_template: |
{% set sunset = states('sensor.home_sun_setting')|as_datetime%}
{{ now() >= sunset - timedelta(hours=12, minutes=30) }}
id: "on"
- platform: sun
event: sunrise
offset: "00:30:00"
id: "off"
- alias: "Test: Don't run if today is already going to be more than 12 hours"
condition: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.home_sun_daylight') | float < 12 }}"
- type: toggle
device_id: id
entity_id: id
domain: switch