Switching Alexa Intents to Newer Format


I’m guessing I’m missing some minor thing, but are there some clear instructions on how to update from the previous way of doing the Alexa intents, to the newer way after 0.50?

I went through my config and made the following changes from:

 -  intents: !include_dir_merge_named alexa


intent_script: !include_dir_merge_named intent_scripts

And I renamed that alexa directory.

From what I can see in the docs, that should be all that’s required. I’m not seeing any errors in my logs, but I no longer get any response from Alexa when I try and utilize the intents.

This is what my intents look like currently in case anyone has some ideas on what’s wrong:


I bet your scenes are working but you are not getting any feedback from your echo. I just got done fighting with this issue for about 4 hours. If you want an answer send a check to…kidding, just change your

type: plaintext
type: plain

And you should be good. At least thats what fixed it for me…


Thanks so much! That was it. Glad to have another set of eyes on that, figured it had to be some minor detail. Working great again.