Switching from Echo to Google home

I had a script working with my echo that told me when the garage was open.

  alias: "Garage Door Alarm2"
    - delay: '00:15:00'
    - data:
          type: tts
        message: 'The garage door has been open for "{{ relative_time(states.cover.garage_door.last_changed) }}"'
      service: notify.alexa_media_dot

Then the wife took my echo and i’m trying to get it to work with google home like so but get a error, I also tried tts.google_say but i says no service called that

  alias: "Garage Door Alarm2"
    - delay: '00:01:00'
    - data:
        message: 'The garage door has been open for "{{ relative_time(states.cover.garage_door.last_changed) }}"'
      entity_id: media_player.family_room_speaker  
      service: tts.google_translate_say

I feel I need to change something in my config file? am i on the right path?

  - platform: google_translate

I had to add the IP address of my HA server to get it working:

  - platform: google_translate

OK progress, google home now makes the wake up noise, but doesn’t say anything.

I just fixed a typo in my previous post so hopefully you didn’t copy that…

You need to use data_template: since your text is templated

A slight aside, but you could also consider using the tts.google_cloud_say service. It allows you to change the voice used and the output is far better quality.

So is that free up to 4 million characters??? That’s huge

I am pleased with it. It is a huge improvement over the standard TTS that sounds like a 1980s speech synthesizer. I just looked at the Google Cloud Platform Console and I am using about 40 characters on average per hour during the day. I just use it to announce when things such as the washing machine or tumble dryer cycles have finished.

Do you have a link that explains how to set it up?

The cost is 4 dollars a month minimum?

No. You get to use up to 4 million characters per month before needing to pay