Switching from yaml mode to UI mode

What is the easiest way to move away from Lovelace yaml mode and start using the UI editor?
The goal is to preserve my current layout/config so I don’t have to start all over again.

My guess would be to:

  • Remove mode: yaml from configuration.yaml.
  • Restart Home Assistant.
  • Click the overflow menu (three vertical dots) in the UI’s top right-hand corner and select Configure UI.
  • Switch to Raw Editor mode and then copy-paste the contents of your ui-lovelace.yaml file.

You switch to Raw Editor by clicking the dots in the upper right after you are in the UI Editor.

I’m using 0.89 and if I don’t disable mode: yaml first I get this message after clicking ‘Configure UI’ in the overflow menu:


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Seems to have done the trick.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

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Did you end up going that path?
What´s your experiences?

I had the same problem as @123 Taras but he/she like me probably removed 'lovelace: ’ as well from configuration.yaml. Be careful to only remove ‘mode: yaml’.