Switching images: upstairs vs downstairs

Hey all,
is there a way to have a toggle/switch/dropdown, that would change an image?
i want to have a single card, which is a floor plan, but you can swtich between upstairs/downstairs.

so rather then having 2 images and taking up more space on a card, you have them in the same card and the image changes as per the input?

this is for a vacuum cleaner and only using it either upstairs or downstairs.

Are you using lovelace? You could use the conditional element on the picture-elements card.

Yes, Lovelace, sorry!
Ok, will look at that

Can I tie it to a switch somehow or something along those lines?

yes, here’s an example of how I’m using it. Not for an image but In my case I want to bold a label based on where I am…

          - type: picture-elements
            style: |
              ha-card {
                height: 231px

            image: /local/icons/transparent.png
            show_header_toggle: false
              - type: state-label
                entity: input_text.room
                  top: 11%
                  left: 20%
                  font-size: 140%
                  font-weight: bold
              - type: conditional
                  - entity: sensor.room_location
                    state: 'lr'
                  - type: state-label
                    entity: input_text.lr
                      top: 20%
                      left: '20px'
                      font-size: 100%
                      font-weight: 700
              - type: conditional
                  - entity: sensor.room_location
                    state_not: 'lr'
                  - type: state-label
                    entity: input_text.lr
                      top: 20%
                      left: '20px'
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Thanks, i cant work out how to change the whole image however, so it shows either the upstairs floorplan, or the downstairs floorplan

Look at the documentation for the conditional card, I think that will work