Switching Scenes

I am pretty new to HA and I am happy with it. But one question regarding the cards:
I have linked my Loxone entities to homeassistant (thanks to pyloxone) and I can see for example all my light controllers from Loxone as entities in HA. These lightcontrollers have scenes (subcontrols in HA).

Now I just want to have some switch (with a picture) that shows me on ONE click all the scenes, that I can select. And If I select a scene, this should be visible on the switch.
I used the card “Picture Entity card” (hopefully its this name in english, as my HA is german), and it looks nice. But if I click on this switch (on the picture), another switch appears, and I can select the scenes by click another time on “effects”. Also the switch (picture) shows me only the on or off - not the name of the scene :frowning:

Its just a beginner questions, but I dont know how to move on, as these light controllers are the basics in my HA. And I dont know, where to start …