Hi Marcos, I’m not used to work with that, please can you tell me how you do it?
Much thanks.
Hi Marcos, I’m not used to work with that, please can you tell me how you do it?
Much thanks.
@M20Lucas thank you very much for creating this post and the automation; the Shortcut and HA work very well together. I’d like to expand to the following use case: I have a dimmer light that I want to gradually start a certain amount of minutes before the actual alarm is set.
Basically to subtract a number (20) of minutes from the Adjusted Date:
I’ve checked that the value as calculated in this step is an ISO 8601 Date/Time Format. Unfortunately this adjustment does not propagate to the Date/Time Helper in HA. Does anyone know what goes wrong here? I prefer to do the adjustment already on the iOS side preferably and have an advanced date/time in HA.
For reference, this is the successive config I’ve set up for gradual increase of the brightness:
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.wekker
- service: light.turn_on
metadata: {}
transition: 1200
brightness_pct: 80
area_id: bedroom
entity_id: light.hanging_light_bedroom
Many thanks.
So I fixed this with a solution in HA through implementing a second date/time helper.
Useful thread that helped me in this solution: Input.datetime automation to offset another input.datetime
The config I implemented:
`alias: Time - Update offset for morning routing
description: ""
- platform: state
entity_id: input_datetime.wekker
condition: []
- service: input_datetime.set_datetime
time: >-
{{ strptime(states('input_datetime.wekker'), '%H:%M:%S') -
strptime('30', '%M') }}
entity_id: input_datetime.wake_up_light
mode: single`
So, I think this solution have issues. If you change the sleep mode before the alarm goes off on the same day, this will make HA believe the alarm if for tomorrow.
I’m not an expert in IOS Shortcut, so correct me if I’m wrong! Also, when an alarm is skipped for the day, I believe we should get the next alarm day! And if the alarm is not set for everyday (week-end off), this is also a problem with the current implementation.
My suggestion consist to send all the data to HA and use a script to parse, understand, and generate the right alarm time and other variables!
I started this HA Template and I will probably write down a script + share a shortcut once it’s tested but I would like some feedbacks!
{# INPUTS from IOS #}
{# This block is not used yet but I beleive we should pass them #}
{% set allowsSnooze = true %}
{% set repeats = true %}
{# This is what I currently use which come from IOS #}
{% set isEnabled = true %}
{% set hours = 6 %}
{% set minutes = 30 %}
{% set repeatDays = "Wednesday\nMonday\nTuesday\nThursday\nFriday" %}
{% set IosNow = "2024-03-18T20:07:14-05:30" %}
{# Let's calculate the TZ diff #}
{# Extract TZ for IOS #}
{% set iosTZ = (IosNow | as_datetime).strftime('%z') | int %}
{% set iosMinutesTZ = iosTZ - ((iosTZ / 100) | int) * 40 %}
{# Extract TZ for HA #}
{% set haTZ = now().strftime('%z') | int %}
{% set haMinutesTZ = haTZ - ((haTZ / 100) | int) * 40 %}
{# Calculate the offset in minutes for IOS to HA #}
{% set diffTZ = iosMinutesTZ - haMinutesTZ %}
{# Let's set some vairable #}
{% set alarmTimeStr = hours|string + ':' + minutes|string %}
{% set repeatDaysArray = repeatDays.split('\n')%}
{% set ns = namespace(
alarmDay = today_at(alarmTimeStr) + timedelta(minutes = diffTZ),
skippedOnce = false,
foundDay = false,
skippedAlarm = false,
) %}
{# Does the alarm could be for today? #}
{% if (ns.alarmDay < now()) %}
{% set ns.alarmDay = ns.alarmDay + timedelta(days = 1) %}
{# Let's found which day this alarm is #}
{% for _ in range(0, 8) %}
{% if (not ns.foundDay) %}
{% if (ns.alarmDay.strftime('%A') not in repeatDaysArray)%}
{# This day is not in the list, let go to the next day #}
{% set ns.alarmDay = ns.alarmDay + timedelta(days = 1) %}
{% elif (not isEnabled and not ns.skippedOnce) %}
{# This day is in the list, but we need to skip it #}
{% set ns.skippedOnce = true %}
{% set ns.skippedAlarm = ns.alarmDay %}
{% set ns.alarmDay = ns.alarmDay + timedelta(days = 1) %}
{% else %}
{# This is the right day! #}
{% set ns.foundDay = true %}
{% endfor %}
{# If we didn't found a day, let's just set alarmDay to false #}
{% if (not ns.foundDay) %}
{% set ns.alarmDay = false %}
{# Results! #}
foundDay: {{ns.foundDay}}
alarmDay day of the week: {{ns.alarmDay and ns.alarmDay.strftime('%A')}}
alarmDay: {{ns.alarmDay}}
skippedAlarm: {{ns.skippedAlarm}}
skippedOnce: {{ns.skippedOnce}}
Questions for all:
Potential downside:
Would it be possible to read the ‘bedtime’ in the same way ? I looked through the automation but I could not work it out how to update it.
Thank you,
Really nice shortcut! Thanks for that!
One small point: If I trigger the shortcut past mid-night it will sync not to the next alarm but to the day after. So another if-clause is needed where you say “get strt of day” from tomorrow.
No the bedtime couldn’t be exported from IOS but with an offset it should be able to be calculated!
I think there is few issue with the HA script.
I’m trying to gather multiple inputs and output (actual and expected) to make sure I could debug it and make everything works 100%.
So far, I saw some problem when there is multiple bedtime for multiple days.
If you found any issues, could you share a description of what’s in the IOS app, what’s the input of the script and the output + expected output?
When the script will be dialed in, I will share it through a script blueprint! I will also try to include some offset for bedtime or early alarm automation (eg: 5min before the alarm)
I think the script works well now! I create another post to not confuse bug from two methods: Sync IOS 17 Sleep alarm to HA (take 2)
I have the same issue, but can you explain what the fix is that you’re describing?
I had the same problem as you (and others) and thought I’d share my solution. Here is the link to my version of the shortcut.
From my testing this modified version of the shortcut works almost identically to the original version but it allows for setting alarms the same day as well. One caveat to this is that in certain scenarios it can theoretically run twice a day. For example if you wake up at 08:00 and set an alarm intended for tomorrow at 08:30 (before the time has actually passed 08:30), the shortcut will pass an alarm for today at 08:30 which might not be ideal. It might be possible to find a solution to this but for my use this is fine, as setting an alarm is usually the last thing I do but YMMW.
Another quick note, I made this shortcut on iOS 18 but hopefully that won’t affect the functionality on iOS 17.
this seems to have broken recently in one spesific scenario. if you change just the next alarm in the clock app from having no alarm to having an alarm and dont change the whole schedual the pair of toggles will leave it off again. for some reason the second toggle wont turn it back on if the main schedual is for alarm off. not sure when this broke but i now know i ran into it a few weeks ago (didnt realise what it was till now)
(fwiw, im not using your shortcut but i came across the same solution when wrighting my own. might need to find another way to do it till apple fixes this)
Did you or anyone else find a working solution? I noticed this issue this weekend also. Now the shortcut turns off the wake alarm, clearly not what we want. TIA
unfortunatly not. i didnt put too much time into it though since i dont have to do a manual change that often so i turn off the shortcut automation when i do need to
Just use a time only helper and only sending the time.
In Home Assistant create a time/date helper and set it to time only.
Use time instead of timedate as the key in the Shortcut dictionary.
Set the value to a custom date format using the edit sleep alarm time property. Format needs to be HH:mm:ss
Now you can remove the adjust date functions from the shortcut
Before I give this a go, do you know if it would have any impact on skipped alarms?
The current shortcut has a section to set the “next alarm” to yesterday if the next alarm appears to be skipped, but if the helper is only a time instead of a datetime I’m guessing this wouldn’t be possible? I can think of some potential workarounds but it would require some adjustment I think.
For iOS 18 users this is a simple way to create automations based on the iOS sleep alarm: Sync IOS 17 Sleep alarm to HA (take 2) - #9 by DIY-techie
My solution so far is just to use regular alarms for the rare occasions where I need to set an alarm on a day where I usually don’t have a sleep alarm.
When it is just a matter of changing the time on the regular sleep alarms for a single day, it doesn’t seem to have any issues toggling the alarm.
It’s a little hard to keep track of all the alternative versions of this script/shortcut in this thread. But, to solve your specific issue of updates after midnight (I had it too), I adapted the original shortcut only to check the current time during run in order to set the correct date to pass to HA (today or tomorrow): Shortcut: Sync iPhone sleep schedule alarm with HA
I assume you already have a solution for this. But if others are looking for a way to trigger an automation some time before a datetime helper, this is what I use to do so in HA. To reuse, adjust prelude to your liking and change the input_datetime helper to match your system.
alias: iPhone alarm will activate soon
trigger: template
value_template: >-
{% set prelude = 15 %}
{{ (now() + timedelta(minutes=prelude)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ==
states('input_datetime.phone_chris_next_alarm') }}
id: iPhone alarm will activate soon
This is awesome, glad it still works in iOS 18!
I found one bug and fixed it though.
Say you trigger the shortcut after midnight and you have an alarm for 6AM, the shortcut sends the wrong date to HASS. It skips over one day.
I broke down the shortcut into two, one to get the next alarm and one to send it to HASS.
Get next alarm (you can see the fix here): Shortcuts
Send to HASS: Shortcuts