Sync next iOS16+ alarm clock in HA (with Shortcuts and companion app)

Just got this working

Do i have to set the alarm daily? or can I just set an alarm for one day and it will keep working forward?

What I did was, on top of triggering the shortcut when I close the Clock App, I also added a trigger for every day at 11:59 PM, just in case.

I regularly have to temporarily change my alarm for the next day, to take my kids to school a little earlier for special events, etc, choosing “Change Next Alarm Only”, so I changed the section “if Name is Never”, removing “Get time between” and the “if” statement, selecting to “Keep The Action”, as I would like for my Never (next non-repeating alarm) to be used as my next alarm.

Sorry if my explanation is confusing. I’m figuring this thing out as I go along.

Did not understand why but understood how you did it, will try and see if it works for me. Thanks

Could anyone share or tell me how to make a shortcut that changes the alarm for today and not for tomorrow?

I’ve tried several times changing it but could not get it to work

Did anybody get it to work with german language? Getting “Konvertierungsfehler” as someone before. Tried setting the date format to custom and yyyy-MM-dd with no success.

I didn’t had time to try it again with german language selected, but I believe that it is due to the fact that the name of the alarm is e.g. ‘Montags’ instead of ‘Montag’ and therefore the conversion process is not working… Just a guess, but I didn’t figure out how we could solve the issue…

Amazing thanks works a treat. Changed one automation to use the helper as a test. Let’s see if the blinds now open based on my alarm :slight_smile:

You are right, the „s“ at the end of the strings makes the conversion fail on iPhones set to German.

I solved it by using a regular expression to match for the „s“ at the end of the string and removing it. Not the most elegant solution but it should work for all seven days of the week.

This is what it looks like:

Works great for me :slight_smile:


thanks for sharing this! Works perfectly on my iphone ( with german language selected) (Y)

Thanks a lot for sharing this shortcut! I downloaded it, edited the value ‘input_datetime’ and ran the shortcut. The value of the ‘input_datetime’ is successfully changed after running the shortcut.

How can I run automations from the ‘input_datetime’ helper? For instance, I would like to turn off a specific automation if the ‘input_datetime’ helper (eg. alarm) is set to 08:30 on a weekday.

Thanks for any help!

Something like this will work.

description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: state
    to: "08:30"
  - condition: time
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - thu
      - fri
  - service: automation.turn_off
      stop_actions: true

Hello, with me always only the Next alarm clock (time) is written into the input_datime.xxxx.
What exactly do I need to do so that I can use a special alarm clock for this.
I thought I can give a name to the ios-alarm clock and put it in the shortcut?
Am I in the right place here? How exactly do I have to enter the name there?

Thanks for your work! I had to change some things to English because I have my phone set so English instead of Dutch.
It seems to perfectly sync my next wakeup time.
I was wondering, I often skip alarms on free days and weekends, would it be possible to check if an actual alarm is set? Maybe have an input boolean (or “toggle” as its called in the UI) for the alarm state.


thanks to all for your great work, and specially @M20Lucas for starting this topic.

I wanted to send to Home Assistant the time of my bedtime alarm. In order to do that, I modified the Shortcuts you have made a little bit.

What my Shortcut does:

checks if the alarm name is “Bedtime” (this name varies in each language, for example, it’s called Acostarse in Spanish. You can check the name of your language with this checker: Shortcut: lists alarm details)

If the name is “Bedtime”, it sends only the time to HA.

I modified de HA helper only to be type: time.

Link: Shortcut: bedtime alarm to HA

Apologies if I’ve missed this in the chat but I’m wondering how the shortcuts handle repeating alarms?

I use the bedtime alarm on my iphone and the time rarely changes Mon - Fri so I’m not in the clock app daily. Is the below the correct way to automate this?

I have added 2 automations on my iphone, one to run when clock is closed and one to run at 23:59 every day. The first being if I change the time it instantly syncs to HA. The second for repeating alarms when I don’t go into the clock app to sync for the next day.

I’m very new to iOS shortcuts so don’t understand exactly whats in the shortcut that was linked.

Anybody had any luck getting this to work on ios 17?

Mine has stopped working since I upgraded.

I’ve had exactly the same issue. Since I upgrade to the iOS 17 beta, it stopped working.

I was unsuccessfully trying to set this up (in iOS 17 beta) and Get all alarms didn’t show up as an available action, only a “Find Alarm” action that wasn’t seeing my Sleep alarm. I’m guessing Get all alarms is no longer an available action… which breaks this shortcut.

I was able to solve it! Will do some more testing and will reploy with the solution later.

This will configure your alarm (and works on iOS 17), think it is the same one that was mentioned earlier. But just to be sure, I’ll share my version here as well:

[Shortcuts](iOS Shortcut - Configure HA Alarm)

By default (iOS 17 feature?) the shortcut needs to ask (and that didn’t popup correctly) for permission and you need to set that to ‘Always’, that seems to fix the issue (of the not working icon).

Click the little i icon on the bottom (or long press the shortcut and select Details).

Select the Privacy tab and click on Ask Each Time next to Clock

Set this to Always Allowemphasized text** and click Done

I have added your shortcut and it’s still not working for me, I don’t have the “Allow Call Service to use” either under privacy.