Synchronize Ring Alarm Keypad v2 with Alarmo

Okay, I feel dumb now! Haha! So, to be clear, if I want the keypad to use in HA, I need to ditch the base station and the alarm portion of the native Ring app? Would this effect my monitoring subscription I have with Ring? Sorry for the dumb questions, like I said, I’m a total newb at all this. Thank you for your help!

If you want to keep the Ring system and it’s monitoring, this is not the right path to go down. I haven’t used ring2mqtt, but my understanding is that it’s probably more what you’re looking for: integrating the full Ring ecosystem into HA.

This method is mostly for folks looking to build a DIY alarm system with HA as the controller, typically only self monitored.

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Got it. Makes sense. That’s too bad since ring2mqtt doesn’t provide a mimic of the keypad to be integrated. Thank you again! Still learning all this stuff and appreciate the help.

I’m a real dummy. I realized you need to put in a disarm code in ring-mqtt in order for the keypad to populate in the alarm card. :laughing:

I just understood a problem with the blueprint. I work with alarmo. In night alarm the keypad is in disabled mode as seen above. The problem is that when the alarms are activated, the keypad flashes (normal). The problem is that it doesn’t stop after resetting.

Is it possible to turn down the volume from the buttons?

I don’t believe there’s a built-in way to do that, no. I suppose you could set up an automation to, say, look for a 1-digit code and set the volume to that. I can’t think of any other intuitive way to do it.

I did manage to change the volume with an automation for arming/disarming voice. I found a post with the code for that.
Is it something like that what you mean?

I did found a way to do it with an automation. It turns the volume down at 19:00 and goes back to normal at 09:00.
So if anybody else searching for the same issue here is the answer:

alias: Ring keypad buttons volume
description: ""
  - at: "19:00:00"
    id: "19"
    trigger: time
  - at: "09:00:00"
    id: "9"
    trigger: time
conditions: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - "9"
          - data:
              parameter: "5"
              value: "6"
              device_id: b711d7509e626ed6f2f0ce335e14aba1
            action: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
      - conditions:
          - alias: If triggered by 19
            condition: trigger
              - "19"
          - data:
              value: "1"
              parameter: "5"
              device_id: b711d7509e626ed6f2f0ce335e14aba1
            action: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
mode: single
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I do it exactly like this!

I integrated the Ring Gen 2 Keypad directly with HA. When I use the event notification and my code to disarm the system, it works, but it takes like 3-4 seconds before it disarms. Any ideas?

***Update: Solved my own problem. Only accessible from the Zwave JS UI addon is ability to change the wait period from last key pressed before it sends to hub. Default was 5 seconds, I changed to 1. By the way I hate JS UI so I made the change, stopped the addon and went back to the norm.