Synchronize Ring Alarm Keypad v2 with Alarmo

You’re not alone - there’s a long thread on the ZWaveJS github page. The issue seems to have gotten better with newer ZWaveJS versions, and generally seems to get better if you disable the motion sensor (by setting config parameter 15 to 0).

Unfortunately, the keypad doesn’t report what state it’s in, so there’s no easy way to way to manually re-synchronize the state if a transition is missed. The only thing I can think to do is try to monitor the ZWaveJS successful / unsuccessful commands counters for the device, which might work. I’ll play with it when I get some time, and see if I can make that work.


I’ve created a new thread here, if you have any idea on how to get the away status and alarm count down to work.

This. Disabling the motion sensor helps a lot.

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I too have this issue. 2x v2 keypads with motion disabled but very unpredictable whether you can use the keypad to disarm. Would really welcome a fix.


For me, disabling motion sensor fixed the issue, though I miss being able to see the alarm state by walking by the control panel. Wish that wasn’t required.

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This looks like exactly what I need. Just a quick question for everyone:

The three buttons on the side… Are you able to utilize them to trigger actions? Ideally I’d like them to be “all lights on” “all lights off”… Maybe throw a sticker on top or something.

Thanks in advanced

Regarding the connect/disconnect issues, my Z-Wave stick was surrounded by my Hue-bridge, RFXCom and the Zigbee stick, I moved the Z-wave stick to the other side of the concrete wall and this helped a lot, occasualy the keypad does disconnect but like once a week or so for 2 minutes, I can live with that.

@supovitz I tried that a while ago but found it inpractical as you need to hold those buttons for 3 or 5 seconds or so, I programmed the 2 left buttons of the 3 on top to open the front gate and turn on the lights.

Hey there,

Very good thread and blueprint as I am thinking of using Alarmo and a physical keypad; Ring Keypad v2 looks really good.

The synchronizations are both directions, right?
So if arming/disarming in Alarmo or in HA companion app the Ring keypad will detect that and change status and the opposite?

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Correct. The blueprint watches for changes to Alarmo’s state, and updates the keypad as appropriate.


After some months with alarmo and Ring Keypad 2… the only issue was keypad lost connection from time to time, fixed re-interviewing the node once a week with the advance tool in ZWave JS UI.
Now I’m trying to setup the bypass warning voice in keypad when open sensor.
I already turned loud enough the bypass sound in the keypad, also deactivated the advance setting “Bypass automatically” for some sensors in Alarmo, but still the keypad doesn’t say anything when arming with open sensors.
Could someone please explain what I’m missing?
Thanks in advance

I have Alarmo setup and Ring Keypad v2 paired.


  • Core: 2024.6.0
  • Supervisor: 2024.06.0
  • Operating System: 12.3
  • Frontend: 20240605.0

Imported the blueprint
Create automation for the blueprint
Configured it and it finds both Ring Keypad and Alarmo
Checked YAML
When saving it nothing gets created (no automation)

Anyone with an idea whats wrong?


alias: My Ring Keypad Automations
description: ""
  path: ImSorryButWho/synchronize-ring-alarm-keypad-v2-with-alarmo.yaml
    keypad: bbc8c41f534be4fa475c4a3c6ca8f085
    alarm: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
      - service: notify.pushover
        metadata: {}
          message: Police button pressed
      - service: notify.pushover
        metadata: {}
          message: Fire button pressed
      - service: notify.pushover
        metadata: {}
          message: Medical button pressed

No idea - that looks correct. Are there any errors in the log?

Do you have “use exit delay” turned on for those sensors? If it’s on, Alarmo thinks they may be open as part of you leaving, so it has no way to know there’s an error until the exit delay expires.

If it’s not set, this sounds like an Alarmo bug.

Thanks for your quick reply @ImSorryButWho
I have not used Blueprints before but i don’t think I am using it wrong (quite difficult to do wrong :wink: ) but tested with another Blueprint and the same behavior :frowning:

Nothing in the logs

I think I have found the reason…

I have automations in automation folder and this in the configuration.yaml

automation: !include_dir_merge_list automation

Blueprints creates in automations.yaml which isn’t loaded but they are there.
Need to find out how to load both the file and folder -or- copy them into automations

Now working :slight_smile: thanks for your effort in this blueprint @ImSorryButWho :+1:

Hi, thanks a lot for your replay.
I’m testing sensors without exit delay… Alarmo Card shows open sensors but Ring Keypad v2 doesn’t say anything.

In Zwave js there is a setting to have the status display always on. Probably a bit of a battery spender though.

Hello! Total newbie to HA here. Been having a heck of a time getting this to work. The Ring Keypad 2 is connected via z-wave in HA and I have alarmo and this automation installed and no matter what I try, I get no keypad to show up. One odd thing, is that if the keypad is connected to HA, it refuses to connect to the native Ring app. Is this normal? It will just say that it needs to be factory reset. Help!

A Zwave device can only be joined to one network at a time, and the Ring system is it’s own network. If you want to use it with the Ring base station, you want ring2mqtt to connect it to HA. This method doesn’t use the Ring base station or app at all.