I updated Synology DSM to Version 6.1.2 and now the Cameras won’t work in HA 48.1
Any hints or tips?
THX in Advance
I updated Synology DSM to Version 6.1.2 and now the Cameras won’t work in HA 48.1
Any hints or tips?
THX in Advance
have you managed to get the camera to work?
Hi, I am now on HA 0.63 and everything works fine
ok, all the error went away (i am on 0.63.3)
but no cards showed up in the overview page.
how do you display synology’s surveillance station’s ip camera feed to HA’s overview page?
thanks in advance
Looks like this:
You have to enable https on Synology.
This works for me…
I am now on home assistant 0.64, and I activated HTTPS per your advice. I still getting error:
requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found for ''