Synology survailance cam on the HA home screen

Hello, I am kinda new with home assistant, but what I am trying to do is add one of my security cameras as a life stream to the HA homescreen. 
My config file looks like:

  - platform: generic
    name: oprit
    stream_source: rtsp://syno:[email protected]:554/Sms=1.unicast
    verify_ssl: false

the stream_source url is working within VLC player
and my I agues Lovelace code:
- type: picture-entity
        name: Driveway
        entity: camera.oprit
        camera_image: camera.oprit
        show_name: false
        show_state: false
          action: more-info
The problem is that I get an error ofcourse 
The following components and platforms could not be set up:

* [camera.generic](

Please check your config.
could someone please help me?

thanks in advance

Try quotes around your stream URL or connect your Synology cameras using the Synology integration.

  - platform: generic
    name: oprit
    stream_source: "rtsp://syno:[email protected]:554/Sms=1.unicast"
    verify_ssl: false

Thank you very much

the quotes did the trick