Synology Surveillance Station IP Camera

Yes indeed, for now as a custom, see PR a few posts above, I will be merged sometime in a next HA release, so for now, you need to load it as a custom component

like hes describing at the end of the recent post? make another custom components file, copy and paste the orignal into that, and add the customized PR at the end? or where does it go within?

make a folder structure like this :

in that camera folder, drop the file from ths github

that should load it as a new custom

and dont forget the init file also

hmm well i did all that, and kept the config i posted earlier… and it connected. but i cant find the anything about home mode.

do you see in your log , that the component is loading as a custom ?

Broken, picture never loads.

The PR you mean or official component?

If you are running official component and SS 5828, you need to apply build fix 5829, found in this thread

Issue: Live stream video not working

tried both, I’ve now applied mentioned SS patch and running official component. Still broken image. (ps: it did work before, don’t know what broke it). Component loads w/o errors. Status looks ok.

for me, when i run SS 5829 (patch version)
official component => livestream OK, but slow, (was always slow)
the synology.file from ISSUE thread, NOT PR, then Home Mode works, but no live stream

@pergola.fabio this stop working in version “0.92.1”, i’m getting “(ServiceNotFound(…), ‘Service camera.disable_home_mode not found’)”
Any ideas?
thank you!

yes, stuff changed in loading custom components

@pergola.fabio did you figure out how fix this?
thank you!

not using the custom at this point

but in order to load custom, you need to create an empty file also

@pergola.fabio no luck :expressionless:
how you manage the home state in synology?

i do it with a pyhon script, its also in this thread, scoll above

dont load the custom at this moment

@pergola.fabio I made it work :slight_smile:

core-ssh:/config/custom_components/synology# cat manifest.json
“domain”: “synology”,
“name”: “synology”,
“documentation”: “”,
“dependencies”: [],
“codeowners”: [],
“requirements”: []

good job, thnx for letting us now

What we need now is support for using “streaming” with cameras added via the synology camera component. AFAIK, we have to enable the rtsp url, and then add them as a generic camera.