Synology VMM (HassOS not getting IP) stays in connecting phase

Hi, i have an Xpenolog running (3615XS) 6.1 with Virual Machine Manager
I imported the OVA file (HassOs 9.0) , enabled network, enabled vsswitch (tested with e1000/virtio/rltl)

HassOS boots up, but never gets an IP address, when i goto console, and to this command ‘nmcli show device’, i see the “enp0s3” card? i believe this is the ethernet card, but its always getting in a state ‘connecting…’ you can see the MAC address is the same as the network card i added in VMM

what could be wrong?

VMM screens:

I have zero clue if this will be of help or not, but thought I’d reply. I’m running a native Synology unit, not Xpenology. But there is a difference in what my configuration screen shows. I know that when I set up my Home Assistant VM, I had to set the virtual firmware setting from “Legacy BIOS” to “UEFI”. I don’t know if you have that option, but it is missing from your screen, where it is shown in mine.

Again, I don’t know if that would even matter to your VM getting an IP or not, but it’s the difference I see. Hope it helps!


Setting boot to UEFI is indeed very important, it won’t work on legacy bios.

yeah, i’m aware of the BIOS setting, it was already setup as UEFI, i also do that on my ESXI server

This thread looks interesting, maybe I can enable/disable the adapter or setup a static IP instead from the console… Gonna try later…

EDIT: tried to setup a static from console, but still not able to reach the vmm from my network, no idea whats wrong :frowning:

I am affraid I have the same problem. Ever fixed this?

I found out that my disk was full while processing the update. This bricked my VM as well…