SynologyDSM Sensor not in Developer Tools > States

  - platform: synologydsm
    port: 5001
    username: bruker
    password: passord
     - cpu_total_load
     - memory_real_usage
     - network_up

I am using this setup and I am getting the same error message as described here. I am using port 5001 to access synology through the GUI, Is it actually working now an the error I get is from config mistakes on my behalf?

Try port 5000

My port number is 201. Will that be a problem? Must it be above certain numbers?

Iā€™ve tred both 5000 and 5001, still no luckā€¦

I think I may have found the problem - not sure how to fix it thoughā€¦

Two Factor Authentication - I think that is getting in the way.


I have it working using port 5000 and a homeassistant user that is an admin. Needs to be an admin to get these statsā€¦

I have an admin account setup but if I try and login to the gui with it I get presented with the two factor authentication wizard before I can complete the login.

I can turn this off but only for all admin users - donā€™t really want to do that.

Are you using two factor authentication?

I turn 2 factor on for each admin account other than the home assistant one.

Unfortunately i dont see there being anyway around this, unless Synology create something like only ask for 2 factor from outside the network.

Thanks, that turned out to be the problem I was having with the user account not establishing a connection.

Did you turn off two factor?

I had to turn off forced two factor but you can enable it on individual accounts. Ive turned it off on the syno account that links to HA.

Hmm, I still get the same error with the admin user on port 5001 and without two factorā€¦

I got mine working - try port 5000 with two factor disabled - 5001 is the https port and this didnā€™t work for me. Mine is now working on 5000 with global TFA off.

Worked :slight_smile: Thanks!

I found that for me the issue was that my password contained characters that should be escaped. Putting ā€œā€ around the password fixed that.

Cant get this to workā€¦ I tried port 5000 and 5001. TFA is off. Tryin to login with admin user.

Do I have to change my port to 5000 on the Synology NAS as well? Do I need a certificate for the Synology on Raspberry Pi?

Error from log which shows up after a couple of minutes

Fri Dec 01 2017 18:44:47 GMT+0100 (CET)

Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/concurrent/futures/", line 55, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant/components/sensor/", line 113, in run_setup
for volume in volumes:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

I have the same issue, get the same error and canā€™t get it to work :confused:

In the Synology logs i see this:
User [Hass] from [] failed to log in via [DSM] due to authorization failure.

ok I found the ridiculous error.
I have a # in the password, had to remove that to get it to work, did not work even when using ā€œā€.
Works now!

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