SynologyDSM Sensor not in Developer Tools > States

Same here. After removing # in the password it works (on port 5000).

I had a similar issue as a few others with the characters used in the password. I had to take out an asterisk in my case. Crazy…

Anyone figured out a way to get data with TFA enabled?

whats TFA?

Two-Factor Authentication

dont think its possible
for the sensor to work, it needs to be an ADMIN account, and you cant disable 2FA on admin accounts, only user accounts

I made an account without TFA that has admin rights so I have it working now.
But I don’t like not having the TFA enabled for any account so I would really like if it was possible to use the StnologyDSM Sensor with TFA.

how can you make an admin account without 2FA?
on synology 6.1 , i only have the option to enable 2FA for ALL admin accounts or/and user accounts, i cant disable 2FA for a specific admin account

I think I deactivated TFA but my main admin account still keeps it and when I created a new for just HA I made it a member in administrators and disable all rights to files and folders.

ah ok, strange

when i deactivate it on a profile on synology, as soon i want to login with that account, the 2FA wizard popups again
since 2FA enabled in general on my synology

You need to disable enforce 2-step verification for the following users under the advanced tab in users. Then only your main admin account will require 2FA.

yes, but thats the problem
in order for the sensor to work, HA needs an admin account, and no normal user account
so i have an admin accunt created with no rights to folders/apps :slight_smile:

I disabled the force 2FA in settings and created a new account called HA that is an admin but has no access to files and folders. My main admin account still has the 2FA though.

I only have one account so for me is not an issue but if you have a more advance setup that might be a problem.

ah strange :slight_smile:
well, i dont use 2FA on my main synology anymore, since its not exposed anymore to internet
too much hacks on it

Did anyone figure out a solution to making this sensor work?

I’ve got mine set with port 5001 and no special characters in password, but still getting the following error.

2018-12-23 19:47:56 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/”, line 56, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File “/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/sensor/”, line 113, in run_setup for volume in config.get(CONF_VOLUMES, TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable

here is mine, working

  - platform: synologydsm
    username: !secret synology_user
    password: !secret synology_pass
    scan_interval: 3600

      - disk_smart_status
      - volume_size_used
      - volume_size_total
      - volume_percentage_used


Do you require SSL (and force connections to port 5001)? I have mine set up like that, so curious if that’s why I’m seeing this connection issue.

No, havent forced SSL on Synology, so can access it on both ports (internally) only opened https in port forward in router