Getting stumped on something that should seem simple. Trying to send myself a short clip from a camera when motion is sensed.
I have a Unify camera set up as generic using RTSP. It doesn’t capture stills easily, but I can capture a 3-second clip, save it, and send it to telegram just fine - if I do it based on a time trigger, because I can use to get a unique file name built.
But I want to trigger it based on my separate zwave motion detector. That trigger doesn’t have a “now”.
I saw that there’s a recent change to allow variables in automations, but I’m not seeing how I might do that. How I would love to say:
MyFileName= FDClip_{{ now }}.mp4
Then, record the file as MyFileName
Wait a couple seconds
Then, send the file as MyFileName
Because it takes a few seconds to run this, I can’t just say “now” in both the record and the send step. I need to get a single timestamp and use it in both steps.
Surely this is super simple … and I just can’t find the syntax. Yes?