Sysmonitor and darksky stopped working after .36

I installed update then system monitor and dark sky stopped working!

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me too facing the same problem
22:03:02 homeassistant.components.sensor.darksky: Unable to connect to Dark Sky. 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:

Thanks for the reply I thought it was just me. I installed system monitor early this morning and darksky yesterday night. I saw the updated this morning and both sysmonitor and darksky disappeared.

Both work fine here.

Any Ideas I updated per instructions! was working before update

Nope sorry, having some other trouble myself after upgrading (local mp3 files can’t be streamed to my Chromecasts which was working fine before the upgrade)

I’m still on 0.35.3. Have same issue with Darden every night.

updates to radar (“weather underground”) by the camera component stopped getting updates. I thought at first it was was nic problem but i am still getting updates from weather underground local conditions.

Check the issues in GitHub; we’ve been discussing an issue with precip values with one of the engineers from DarkSky who has been saying that they have been trying to rack down some issues they’ve been having with the Forecast API. This may be related.

Sure will its at least a start

You have any news on a fix for dark sky?

Nothing reported in the issue at github. I haven’t looked at their site to see if they have identified anything though.

I am getting the 403/Forbidden errors for the Darksky component too. Happens throughout the day and I can’t associate it with anything else happening. When it happens I get no results for any of the darksky components. Some time later it starts working again and I get results\values.

Running a fresh install on Raspbian Jessie Lite.

Ahhhhh, so I logged into my Darksky account on their website and saw that for some reason I was calling 1000 API lookups a day (the daily max). I have since added update_inverval into my config and removed some of the monitored_conditions.

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I can confirm that the error was due to having too many calls to the Darksky API.
I believe I started getting this after adding in the minutely/hourly/daily_summary fields, potentially these get called separately from the other calls so you get multiple API calls per 2 minute refresh.